Respiratory Protection Refresher Webinar

Respiratory Protection Refresher Webinar

It’s time to freshen up on all of the respirator do’s and don’ts. This webinar covers different types of respirators, fit testing and everything in between. This webinar is presented by Sam McGee, Occupational Hygiene Team Leader and Senior Consultant at...
Routes of entry for hazardous substances

Routes of entry for hazardous substances

There are four main ways a hazardous substance can enter the body: Inhalation (breathing in) Dermally (absorbing through the skin) Ingestion Injection   This piece has been written by Sam McGee, Occupational Hygiene Team Leader and Senior Consultant at Chemsafety...
Chemsafety Services for Lead Paint Testing

Chemsafety Services for Lead Paint Testing

Stripping off or sanding any paint containing lead can create a serious health hazard, not only for the person doing the job but for the building’s occupants and neighbours – and particularly children.  Therefore, before any renovation starts in a building that was...
WES & BEI Proposed Changes 2024

WES & BEI Proposed Changes 2024

WorkSafe has reviewed 57 Workplace Exposure Standards (WES) and 1 Biological Exposure Index (BEI). They have now opened up consultation on the proposed changes, you can be part of the consultation by going to WES and BEI proposed changes 2024 | WorkSafe and filling...