You may be finding your compliance certifier asking for changes to site plans that have been accepted in the past. While this can be frustrating, it is with an eye to continual improvement and reflects increased rigour from WorkSafe during audits of certifiers and...
In this article written by our Lab Manager Livia Fioravanti, we want to bring to your attention the latest update IANZ has made to their AS LAB C2.3 IB C1.1 Supplementary Criteria Asbestos (surveying, inspection, sampling, testing) and its impact in the process of...
Welcome to our first newsletter for 2024. We let you know how to get 10% discount if you are attending the Health & Safety Leaders Summit 2024, and we discuss the EPA submissions on changes to rules for lead levels in paint. We also let you know the next dates...
In this webinar we discuss how the Workplace Exposure Standards are frequently being lowered making it more difficult for businesses to comply with the new WES and effectively protect their worker’s health. Our Senior Consultant & Occupational Team Leader...
WorkSafe have released the 14th edition of the Workplace Exposure Standards and Biological Exposure Indices, or the new WES for short. This is one of the first tools we use as an Occupational Hygienist to assess the results of your monitoring. The WES help us make...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently consulting on proposals to cut the levels of lead permitted in paints and graphic materials – especially those used by children (for example, finger paints, crayons, and felt-tip pens). Extended...