Occupational Hygiene
We work with you to identify, quantity and mitigate health hazards in your workplace.

Occupational Hygiene
The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, states that PCBU’s have the duty of care to ensure, so far as reasonably practical, that the workplace is without risks to the health and safety of any person. Chemsafety’s Consultants can help by evaluating your workplace for worker health hazards and give practical advise on how to provide appropriate remedial action to reduce the risk.

Exposure / Air Monitoring
Inhalable dust such as crystalline silica, diesel particulates, solvents and metals can be monitored …

Qualitative Exposure Assessments
Assessment of a health hazard where there isn’t a measurement technique available or for when a new …

Exposure Monitoring Programme
This programme provides a plan on which hazards to focus on first depending on risk. …

Respirator Fit Testing
Make sure your respirator is fitting you correctly to protect your lungs from contaminants …
Respiratory Protection Programme
A tailored programme that ensures the PPE controls that have been put in place are effective at protecting …
Noise Monitoring
Evaluating what levels of noise workers are exposed to, how to minimise that exposure and what is the correct PPE to wear.
Dust Monitoring
Dusts such as inhalable dust, respirable crystalline silica, and wood dust needs to be understood and controlled to prevent work related harm.
Solvent Monitoring
Exposure to gases and vapours at hazardous levels can harm short term and long-term health.
Mould and Bacterial Assessments
Testing at your site to tell you if there is mould present at unsafe levels and what the next steps are with regards …
Lighting Assessments
Lighting plays a major role in health and safety, as well as productivity, in the workplace.
Vibration Assessments
Exposure to too much vibration (whether it be hand-arm or whole-body) may result in both acute and …
Office Air Quality Monitoring
Poor air quality can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, trouble concentrating and irritation …
Analytical Services
Our qualified and experienced science consultants will provide advice relevant to your …