Asbestos for Managers Webinar

Feb 22, 2023

Asbestos For Managers Webinar

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used in a variety of construction materials in New Zealand due to its strength and heat resistance.  However, exposure to asbestos can have serious health consequences, including cancer.

In this webinar, we discuss what project managers need to know to protect themselves and their teams from exposure. We cover best practices for managing asbestos in construction projects and what to do if asbestos is discovered on a job site.  By the end of this webinar, project managers will have an understanding of the tools available for them to safely and effectively handle asbestos in their projects.

This webinar is presented by Sam McGee, Occupational Hygiene Team Leader and Senior Consultant at Chemsafety with over 10 years of experience in the field.