Nearly four years ago (30 April 2021) New Zealand adopted the GHS classification system for hazardous substances. This saw the HSNO classifications we have used since 2001 (and that were based on the first draft of GHS) being gradually replaced by the GHS 7 system....
Management of electrical installations in hazardous areas is critical to avoiding the potential ignition of flammable gases and vapours. If you cannot eliminate the need for electrical equipment within the hazardous area, then you (as the PCBU) must provide evidence...
Technical guidance published by WorkSafe in March 2024 (Clarification on construction requirements of flammable liquid cabinets designed to comply with AS 1940) has placed additional emphasis on evaluating the compliance of flammable liquids cabinets. Our...
You may be finding your compliance certifier asking for changes to site plans that have been accepted in the past. While this can be frustrating, it is with an eye to continual improvement and reflects increased rigour from WorkSafe during audits of certifiers and...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently consulting on proposals to cut the levels of lead permitted in paints and graphic materials – especially those used by children (for example, finger paints, crayons, and felt-tip pens). Extended...
We have seen recent activity from the EPA about hazardous substances that are only permitted to be supplied to workplaces. At workplaces you would be forgiven for thinking that the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations – HSW(HS) are all that you...