The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently consulting on proposals to cut the levels of lead permitted in paints and graphic materials – especially those used by children (for example, finger paints, crayons, and felt-tip pens).
- Extended consultation to 9 Feb 2024
In summary the proposals are
- Limit lead in paints covered by the Surface Coatings and Colourants Group Standards and Aerosols Group Standards to 90 ppm.
- Add lead limits to the Corrosion Inhibitors Group Standards.
- Require evidence of compliance with lead levels where relevant.
- Update element migration (leaching) limits in graphic materials.
- Update references to the AS/NZS ISO 8124.3 standard to the most recent version. This standard covers lead leaching from toys.
- Amend group standards so all graphic materials marketed to children are only covered by the Graphic Materials Group Standard.
- Remove the notification requirement from the Graphic Materials Group Standard.
- Commencement is 6 months after notification in the Gazette.
- Products that don’t meet the requirements of the amendments are to be disposed of 6 months after commencement.
Note that face paints are managed by the Cosmetic Products Group Standard, which prohibits lead and lead compounds being used in cosmetics.
The consultation document provides an selection of background material, including poisons centre data and consumer recalls which may be of interest even if you do not have a submission to make.
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