EPA proposed infringement notices effect on agricultural operations

EPA proposed infringement notices effect on agricultural operations

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently proposed and consulted on an Infringement Notice Scheme for their enforcement responsibilities for hazardous substances under the HSNO Act.  This is similar to existing infringement notices that WorkSafe can issue...
Hazardous Substances Infringement Notices – EPA Consultation

Hazardous Substances Infringement Notices – EPA Consultation

Infringement notices are an enforcement tool available to WorkSafe under the HSW Act.   You can consider these to be similar to tickets (infringement notices) issued by the Police for speeding or using a mobile phone while driving.  Click below to see the infringement...
Notification of refusal to issue a compliance certificate

Notification of refusal to issue a compliance certificate

You may be aware that compliance certifiers are required by Regulation 6.23 of the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations to notify both the PCBU and WorkSafe if the certifier considers that the requirements for certification have not been met....
Hazardous Substances Non-Compliance Trends In The Healthcare Sector

Hazardous Substances Non-Compliance Trends In The Healthcare Sector

Do you know the most common trends regarding non-compliance with hazardous substances in the health care sector, and how to avoid these mistakes? This blog discusses six-steps to aid in reducing the risk of non-compliance when handling and storing hazardous substances...
Its GHS Time

Its GHS Time

Today is the 30 April 2021 – its GHS time! New Zealand has adopted the GHS 7 hazardous substances classification system for classifying our hazardous substances.There are a few things to be aware of: Most of the old classifications correlate to the new ones...