Do you know what to look for within your exposure monitoring programme? In this free webinar we ask what things do you need to look at for your exposure monitoring and what makes a good report. Join our Occupational Team Leader, Sam McGee, for an in-depth look at what...
In this free online webinar you will be shown that if you have hazardous substances on your site you should have a site plan showing where they are and where your emergency equipment is located. Join us to learn why you need a site plan, what’s in a good plan and what...
Do you take chemicals from large containers and put them into a smaller more usable container? In this free online webinar learn why and how to label those containers properly and what the Regulations say you must do. Click here to...
Hazardous substances are not just chemicals, dust, fumes and workplace equipment and processes can also cause us harm. In this free webinar we look at what are the exposure risks to these hazards? Learn how an Occupational Hygienist can help and what controls can be...
In this free online webinar we ask do you know what to do if the hazardous substances you use and store begin to spill or they leak? Join us to discover what you should have in your spill kit, what should be in your emergency response plan and what steps you should...
Have you ever wondered why the mixture of certain substances can cause fires, fumes and explosive effects? This webinar will list the HSNO sub-classes of substances that are incompatible with each other. We will cover the basic knowledge and discover the sources of...