WES & BEI Proposed Changes 2024

May 19, 2024

Wes Changes 2024

WorkSafe has reviewed 57 Workplace Exposure Standards (WES) and 1 Biological Exposure Index (BEI). They have now opened up consultation on the proposed changes, you can be part of the consultation by going to WES and BEI proposed changes 2024 | WorkSafe and filling out the form.  The deadline for accepting submissions closes at 5:00 pm on Friday 30 August 2024


Our Occupational Hygiene Team Leader Sam McGee has listed below some of the substances that we often see on sites.

Door Signage 3

WES-TWA: This is a Time-weighted average of over 8 hours.

WES-STEL: This is a short-term exposure limit (15 minutes).

WES-Ceiling: Is the concentration that should not be exceeded at any part of the workday.

The lower the WES the more difficult it will be to have exposures below the WES and protect worker health.


If you are unsure of how these changes will affect you get in touch and we can help you figure it out. It can be useful to undertake exposure monitoring to see how your company will compare against the proposed changes.