WorkSafe have released the 14th edition of the Workplace Exposure Standards and Biological Exposure Indices, or the new WES for short. This is one of the first tools we use as an Occupational Hygienist to assess the results of your monitoring. The WES help us make recommendations that will keep your workers safe and healthy.
The WES are guidelines released by WorkSafe that are intended to be used by trained professionals for health risk management.
Some key changes that may affect your workplace include:

For the full list of changes see the Workplace exposure standards and biological exposure indices | WorkSafe.
Aluminum – Typically used in boat manufacture, aircraft manufacturer, window framing, trailer manufacture.
Ethanol – Typically used in printing industry as a cleaning solvent. Also frequently used in Laboratories.
Fluorine – Often used in water treatment facilities.
Selenium – Typically found when adding nutrients to human and animal food products.
Crystalline Silica (RCS) – Found in engineered stone bench tops, concrete, aggregates.
If you use these substances get in touch with us and we can help you figure out what these changes mean for you, your company, and your workers.